- I'm the oldest of two.
- Me, and two other cousins are the last males carrying our last name in my father's direct family.
- My son is cuter than yours.
- Final Fantasy IV and VI are far superior than Final Fantasy VII and VIII.
- The first Halo game was the next Goldeneye in my honest opinion. By means of getting you together and playing with your buddies.
- I've worked for Starbucks for a long time. I'm creeping up to the decade mark soon. Hopefully they find it in their budget to keep or promote me soon.
- I have two seasons of Married with Children on my PS3's hard drive, and I still watch them to this day.
- I'm a sucker for Gametrailers.com's Retrospective series.
- The Megas are my favorite video game band, and quite possibly one of my favorite bands.
- I love Nippon Ichi games, but have ever been able to complete a single one. The closest I've gotten was almost completing La Pucelle Tactics for PS2.
- I take great pride in my video game collection. Many hard years and tons of game hunting have led me to obtain such a great collection.
- I own a Street Fighter II' arcade machine.
- I love Pokemon. I'm a sucker for the collect-a-critter-and battle your friends type game. What can I say, I'm a collector at heart.
- In Street Fighter games, I like to perfect lesser used characters like E. Honda or Dee Jay.
- I love Anime. Probably too much. I'm a regular attendee at Anime Expo every year.
- Of recent Final Fantasy games, I thought XII was amazingly good. Like, really.
- I live and die by the St. Louis Rams.
- I'm a Cheap Ass Gamer.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Getting to know me!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Year, New Love, New Life
So we're starting off this great year of 2009 AD! I'm excited. I've leveled up in life into the role of father. And man, it's not an easy role, but every time I look into my son's face, my heart just melts.
On December 21st, at 9:34 pm, I was there to watch a new life enter my own. Issac Daniel Manzanares was his name. I still remember when the doctor told us it was going to be a boy, I had a smile on my face you'd have to surgically remove. Losing sleep isn't fun, but it's a necessity. I have to nurture and keep this little life well. Sort of like having a Pokemon, that poops and pees a lot.
My family is overjoyed. My mother has been wanting a grandchild for a long time, and my Dad is just too overjoyed as well. My Pops told me while he's at work, he'll hide off to the side or a corner somewhere so he can open up his cell phone and look at pictures of my son (and his grand son).Granted, my gaming habits are going to be grinding to a halt, but just until Issac's old enough to play with me. Then every thing's game. I'm going to have to dust off the NES and pop in my copy of Guerrilla Wars and teach Issac how to play and beat the game. Guerrilla Wars is a game my Dad and I used to rent almost once a month and play together.
Speaking of Dads, my Dad was a great example to follow. I can only hope to be half the Dad he was to me. Taking me to Rams (football) games every Sunday while they were here in Los Angeles. Taking me to watch Hulk Hogan, then the WWF Champion, wrestle against Ric Flair (WCW's Champion at the time). My Pops was awesome. Hopefully Claudia will let me take my son Issac to all kinds of great events like Anime Expo and Comic Cons.
As for gaming news, I've been trying to polish off Final Fantasy V Advance in between the baby's nap times. Then I'll try to finish off Fallout 3, and hopefully move onto Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, with a little Disgaea 3 in there.. Some RPGs I've been meaning to beat or play. Then after that it's onto my Backloggery's fortune cookie, to see what I'm going to play next. I got some Gamestop gift cards burning a hole in my wallet. Mayhaps I'll finally get Little Big Planet or Castlevania: Order of Eclessia.