Well, it's been a long time coming since I've posted in this blog. I have a couple minutes to steal while my sons are both preoccupied in their high chairs eating their breakfast.
It's been a long time since I've posted. A lot has happened, and a lot is still the same. I leveled up my family party from a party of three to a party of four. We have a Lv. 30 Knight, Lv. 31 White Mage, a Lv. 3 (almost 4) Ninja, and a Lv. 1 (almost 2) Berseker. Well, maybe not the exact classes, but I think it suits the family well. My Lv. 3 Ninja is gradually progressing in his own videogame prowess. So much I'm worried. Soon the pupil will surpass the master. In short I suppose, the family is well. I'm getting old.
Videogame-wise, I've been playing the crap out of my 3DS. I think it's because I'm mostly at work or on the go, portable gaming is the only thing I can squeeze in on my spare minutes. Heaven forbid I kick the Wife or boys off the Xbox 360. So, everywhere I go, I take my 3DS or PSPgo with me. Of the games I've completed or damn well nearly completed are Kid Icarus Uprising, Super Mario 3D Land, Starfox 64, Mario Tennis Open, and (GBA VC) Fire Emblem. The ones I'm still playing are Kid Icarus and Mario Tennis.

I've just about owned my 3DS for a year, and I have to admit, I'm more happy with it than I thought I would be. I love the social aspect of it. The online play, the streetpass, and more. I've just hit over 1,000 Mii and Streetpass tags, thanks to E3 and both
Streetpass LA and
Streetpass OC. I'm somewhat satisfied with the eShop and it's releases. The Nintendo Ambassador games are enough to keep me happy too. I just recently upgraded to a 32 gb memory card too, so when digital releases hit, I can snag a few (I'm looking at you Animal Crossing). It's funny too, we had a worker cover at our store and he was playing a 3DS. I went back to my bag and pulled out my 3DS, and to my dismay, no little green light was lit. So I began to talk to said worker, and he said he doesn't care for the social aspect of the system and just got it because he knew he'd need it eventually. I was shocked. That's like getting a combo meal with burgers and fries and just tossing the fries into the trash. Oh well I guess, to each their own.

As for E3? It was a little mixed for me. The Nintendo 3DS was near non-existent. The Wii U was fun and amazing. The new Gears of War game has gotten me hyped. I did a lot of Streetpassing as well. Note to self, never volunteer yourself to take anyone else's 3DS with you. I think I spent 80 percent of the show going between two 3DSs and Streetpass.
One thing I did notice at E3, there was beer everywhere. I think on day 2 I was buzzed by noon. Also, a lot of free food too. More than any year I can remember. Good times.

Also, just last month, one of my favorite video game cover bands,
The Megas, released their Mega Man 3 album. History Repeating is 10 tracks of amazing beats and jams. It's great to see how far these guys have come along, and personally, each one of them are amazing people in their own right. I remember hear their song You've Sparked a War back in 2008, it's amazing to see how that song has grown and mature over the years into the end product we have. Good job guys. Everyone who loves Mega Man and video game music should give this a listen. I'll write a full review when I get a chance.