Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Tatsu BAYBEE!

Well, we're a few short weeks removed from the release of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. And a few things have happened since then. Let's start off by saying I have a whole new appreciation for Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars.

I've been playing it a little here and there, enough times to unlock Zero and Frank West. I'm still working on unlocking the Tatsunoko characters.. This game if fun. And I feel like it has a lot more balance. Now I wish I would have been all hyped for this game like my friend(?) John aka Cactus Boy. The controls are slick, three attack buttons and universal air dash for all. The only downfall for this game were the "Giant" characters. The multiplayer is pretty ambitious for a Wii title. And the whole friend code thing is a pain in the ass. I do like the ability to register people for rivals. Even thought most of the people I register is because we had some good games with little to no lag.

Now why would I bring up this past fighter? Well, after doing on research I've been watching the Wii/GameCube emulator Dolphin. This emulator makes Wii and GameCube games running at 720p BEAUTIFUL. So, I YouTube'd some TvC running on said emulator at 720p. Hot diggity. It looks marvelous. Now I see potential in this having some success has a PSN/XBLA title. Sell it for fifteen bones, and I bet it'll create a larger revenue than it's Wii counterpart. Especially with all the 2-D and Capcom fighting game hype taking place right now. Capcom, make it happen. Or at least port all of the Capcom cast from TvC to MvC3. Hell, throw in the Tatusnoko heads too (j/k).

In other news, I held my first cash prize tournament for Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 at my buddy's store called @Tronix. It was a 16-man double elimination tournament with a ten dollar buy in. The first prize winner took home one hundred bucks. The tournament was fun, and the top three players were all amazing. It was anyone's ball game in the final three matches. Some kid named Keanu had an amazing Phoenix, and Josh had a great Taskmaster/Wolverine/Sentinel team, but it was Brandon who took home the 1st place title and one hundred bucks with a Wesker, Dormammu, and Sentinel team (sorry if I said them in the wrong order). I'm hosting another MvC3 tournament again on March 26th, but also adding a Super Street Fighter IV bracket. Let's see how well this does.

In my general gaming news, I've beaten Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen for the Nintendo DS. Twenty two long hours, and Psaro the Manslayer is no more. Now all I have left to do is the Psaro bonus quest and finish Hoffman's Pioneer town, which I let him name "St. Ralphsburg." Just in time for some Pokemon Black and White. I am tempted to hunt down, play, and complete Dragon Quest V. So far that's two Dragon Quest titles I've beaten this year (IX and IV).

Oh man, I almost forgot my OverClocked Remix of the day. This song is brought to you by one jdproject. It's called "The Ken Song." Enjoy.