Life is so short. People enter and exit in an instance. Whether it be fourteen years or nine months. Most people you meet may come and go, but some will always remain in your heart.
I should feel honor to have known some people. Eddie Brown is one of those people. Since getting the opportunity to work with him at Washington and Lambert, he always made me feel welcomed. Like I was part of his store. I can't delve much into Eddie's life, but I can tell you what I knew about him from working with him.
He was a great man. He was a very likable person. He would always work hard. Never one to be too serious, but also never one to always joke around. It's funny, just a couple days ago me and my co-worker Candice were just talking about how we love him. I told her I loved working with him, and he's the kind of guy I could see myself hanging out with. Just the way he presented himself, you just wanted to get to know the guy.
My heart is torn right now. I loved this guy. How could you not? He was funny, fun, and a hard worker. Tonight Eddie Brown, you, and your family will remain in my heart and prayers. I love you man.
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